Gone in 43 Seconds!!! Just be cautious and be more vigilant

Most of us have watched the movie “Gone in 60 seconds” where we have seen luxury cars are stolen in a matter of 60 seconds. Though this is not as dramatic as the movie but more concerning considering the extent to which this can damage society.

In this video, you can see two kids coming out from the Car and just trying their luck to find out if the Car in front of the house has been kept open. And to their amusement, they find the cars to be open and they within a fraction of seconds stole whatever they could and just went away in their car.

This incident happened in Seymour, CT. This is definitely a reminder to lock your cars even during the day and even when you think you have the control of the proceedings.

The Town of Seymour CT Police Department says this was on Rimmon Street. It is true that similar incidents have happened all across the CT where the security cameras have captured the incident. In many instances even though they have tried but have not been successful.


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