The Dos & Donts at Indian Restaurant : Table Manners

If you love to eat Indian cuisine, you would likely know that the table manners are a lot different compared to an American Restaurant. There are certain rules of etiquette you should follow both out of respect and to elevate your dining experience. In case you’re not familiar with Indian dining etiquette, here are some simple do’s and don’ts you should be mindful to follow.


Wash your hands.

No Indian dinner starts until everyone has washed their hands with water. Excellent hygiene is particularly important in Indian dining culture, given you use your hands to eat. Once you’ve finished your meal, wash your hands again.

Use your fingers.

Traditionally, Indian dinner is eaten with one’s hands, so don’t be surprised if there are no knives or forks on the table when you sit down. You may be given a spoon for liquid dishes like curry, but generally, you’re expected to eat food with your fingers. Keep in mind that how you eat matters. Neatly pick food up by your fingertips, never with your whole hand.


Expect courses.

Unlike the standard American way of dining—appetizer followed by entrée,  all dishes out at the same time. They’ll bring out large bowls of food and will either serve you at the table or invite you to help yourself.

Do not Use your left hand to eat.

You should use only your right hand for eating dinner, never your left hand. Your left hand must remain dry and used only for drinking water or passing dishes around the table. In Indian culture, it’s considered extremely offensive and unclean if you eat with your left hand, so even if you’re left-handed, avoid using it at all costs.

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