Humanity at its best : Heart Touching Letter received by NY Governor Andrew Cuomo from a Farmer

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shared a heart touching letter from a farmer in North East Cansas. The letter is indeed heart touching and is a true testimony of the American Spirit. In these trying times everyone is struggling for resources let it be food, PPE or even daily essentials. To find someone caring for others and ensuring that he can contribute what ever he can is a great thing and that takes our nation forward.

New York which is the epicentre of the COVID pandemic in USA has already witnessed more than 272K cases of COVID positive cases and more than 16000 deaths. The heath care workers and doctors have been working relentlessly day and night to ensure that the impact of COVID is limited. What they are lacking is the personal protective equipment. N95 mask is something which can help them immensely. And in this trying times getting N95 masks is really a tough task.

Even though he just had 5 N95 masks he still sent one mask to NY Guv. He sent 1 of 5 N95 masks he has from farming to pass on to a doctor or nurse in New York. This is so touching.

Detailed letter from the farmer to NY Governor:

Image Source : Twitter

The most impacted tri state, NY, NJ and CT are some of the most affected states in the country with the numbers increasing everyday. The leadership of NY Guv to take forward the tri state in these trying times is worth mentioning.

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