Gov. Ned Lamont announced Connecticut schools will remain closed well into May amid the coronavirus pandemic

Gov. Ned Lamont said Connecticut Public schools won’t revive on April 20 as initially planned.

“In the best interests of public health,” Lamont tweeted, he and state Department of Education Commissioner Miquel Cardona chose to delay the re-opening of classes at schools until May 20.” Lamont included that he wouldn’t be stunned to see the May 20 date extended.

Cardona said that “while the future seems uncertain,” he said normalcy will come at some point but added that in late May, “we will reevaluate to see if returning to the classroom is even possible” and that includes all school related events including athletics.

Governor also added schools are planning for the “worst case scenario,” which is schools possibly remaining closed for the end of the year, but he was almost certain that the class of 2020 will have a graduation.

“You worked hard for it, you deserve it and you’re going to get it,” regardless of whether it must be deferred. He said a graduation will happen and it’s now being examined at the neighborhood level.

Lamont at first reported that schools would close for about fourteen days between March 17 and March 31. He at that point stretched out that date to April 20.

News Source : Patch

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