How We Feel : This great app will help identify the hotspot and will donate a meal to people in need

During this time of crisis and pandemic it is extremely important to understand the wellness of the individuals and to identify the hotspots. This new app helps to track both. Using this App you can track your daily health update and help the Government to identify the hotspots.

“How We Feel” lets you self-report your age, sex, ZIP code, and any health symptoms you experience. It only takes 30 seconds! Aggregate data is securely shared with select scientists, doctors and public health professionals who are actively working to stop the spread of COVID-19. The app doesn’t ask you to sign in or share your name, phone number or email address.

The first time you download the app and donate your data with a check-in, we’ll donate a meal to people in need through Feeding America—up to 10 million meals.

The app was built by an independent, nonprofit organization called The How We Feel Project. Our organization was founded by a volunteer team of scientists, doctors and technologists. Our mission is to make the world healthier by connecting citizens with the global health community. The organization was created in March 2020 to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scientists and doctors will use the data to identify new outbreaks, understand how the virus is spreading, discover new populations that may be at risk, and evaluate how interventions are working to slow the spread of the disease. This data is crucial right now because there’s a widespread shortage of COVID-19 testing. Self-reported data can be a powerful new tool in our fight against the pandemic.

Sharing how you feel will help scientists and researchers find new hotspots and identify populations that could be at risk. The data can also reveal which health measures are having the fastest impact so we can apply those learnings in other areas.

Check-in daily & see how other people feel near you.

The app helps you to to enter the details regarding how you feel and before that you need to update your basic information and create the profile.

Donate your data to help scientists track the virus.

Users need to login and provide their data and update everyday regarding how they feel. Whether they have runny nose, mild fatigue or no symptom you need to update the same everyday. Based on the analytics it can be identified which are the hotspots and which areas are going to be next hot spot if not looked into at the aerliest.

Download the Application Here

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