Thick Brush Stroke

Top 5 Connecticut State Parks to explore 2023!!!

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Dinosaur State Park, one of the most unique state parks in the country, is an incredible opportunity to explore a 200-million-year-old fossil trackway for yourself!

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Dinosaur State Park, Rocky Hill

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Hammonasset Beach State Park, Connecticut's largest shoreline park, is an excellent destination if you're looking for some of those spectacular Long Island Sound views.

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Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison

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Medium Brush Stroke

According to legend, Devil's Hopyard State Park got its name from the round holes in the rocky falls caused by the devil stomping angrily after getting his tail wet in the rushing water.

Devil’s Hopyard State Park, East Haddam

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Kent Falls State Park, Kent

Kent Falls State Park is one of the shining jewels of the wonderful Litchfield Hills region; with a legendary covered bridge, 250-foot cascading waterfalls, and hikes that allow you to get so close to the falls that you'll feel the awesome mist on your face, it's no surprise that this park persists one of the state's most popular.

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Lovers Leap State Park, New Milford

Lovers Leap State Park is named after a centuries-old legend about a pair of star-crossed lovers who died together in the waters trying to reach each other. It is located along a particularly idyllic section of the mighty Housatonic River.


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